Monday, April 11, 2016

What is the one thing that you have taught your children that you hope they will teach theirs?

From a very young age I've encouraged my children to compliment at least twenty people a day. At first this seemed like a lot but as they each took on the challenge it proved to be really easy. Simply passing someone at the store and telling them you like their purse or telling the clerk that you choose their line because they have the best smile, It was really that easy. What I wasn't expecting was the shock that sometimes came after the compliment. So many people were surprised that a stranger was being kind. They are hesitant to say thank you at first. After they realize that you are being genuine and a smile appears. That moment of kindness then becomes contagious. People see your act of kindness and want to be a part of it. They are now on the same mission to spread kindness.

Just imagine a world where we are quick to compliment! 

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